Responsibility to Patient/Client


  1. The therapist provides services with respect for the dignity and uniqueness of each patient/client as well as the rights and autonomy of the individual patient/client.

1.1 The therapist shall provide the potential patient/client with information about the nature of Psychotherapy and apprise him or her of the risks, rights and obligations as a client of psychotherapy.

1.2 The therapist shall encourage the patient/client’s participation in Psychotherapy only so long as it is appropriate to the patient/client’s needs.

1.3 The therapist shall not practice or condone any form of discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin or physical handicap, except that this guideline shall not prohibit psychotherapy practice with population specific or problem specific groups.

  1. The therapist safeguards the patient/client’s right to privacy by judiciously protecting information of a confidential nature.

2.1 The group shall agree that the patient/client as well as the therapist shall protect the identity of its members.

2.2 The therapist is knowledgeable about the limits of privileged communication as they apply to individual & group therapy and informs clients of those limits.

2.3 The therapist shall not use identifiable information about his/her clients for teaching purposes, publication or professional presentations unless permission has been obtained and all measures have been taken to preserve patient/client anonymity.

2.4 Except where required by law, the therapist shall share information about his/her clients with others only after obtaining appropriate patient/client consent. Specific permission must be requested to permit conferring with the referring therapist or with the individual therapist where the patient/client is in conjoint therapy.

2.5 When clinical examination suggests that a patient/client may be dangerous to himself/herself or others, it is the therapist’s ethical and legal obligation to take appropriate steps in order to be responsible to society in general, as well as the patient/client.

  1. The therapist acts to safeguard the patient/client and the public from the incompetent, unethical, illegal practice of any other client/patient, particular in a group therapy situation.

3.1 The therapist must be aware of her/his own individual competencies, and when the needs of the patient/client are beyond the competencies of the therapist, consultation must be sought from other qualified professionals or other appropriate sources.

3.2 The therapist shall not use her/his professional relationship to advance personal or business interests.

3.3 Sexual intimacy with patients/clients is unethical.

3.4 The  therapist shall protect the patient/client and the public from misinformation and misrepresentation. She/he shall not use false or misleading advertising regarding her/his qualifications or skills as a Psychotherapist.


Professional Standards – The psychotherapist shall maintain the integrity of the practice of Individual & Group Psychotherapy


  1. It is the personal responsibility of the therapist to maintain competence in the practice of Psychotherapy through formal educational activities and informal learning experiences.
  2. The therapist has a responsibility to contribute to the ongoing development of the body of knowledge pertaining to group therapy whether involved as an investigator, participant or user of research results.
  3. The  therapist shall accept the obligation to attempt to inform and alert other therapists who are violating ethical principles or to bring those violations to the attention of appropriate professional authorities.


The Following criteria is imperative in order to Promote safety, establish and maintain healthy Boundaries both inside and outside of analysis, to nurture Respect, Compassion & Empathy for your clients. 


  1. Act in a professional manner at all times, asserting professional boundaries when appropriate.
  2. Contact with clients should not be made in any way outside of therapy with exception to working with Borderline Personality Organisation through a strict Transference Focused Psychotherapy approach.
  3. You must be actively engaged in your own therapy, personal development and ongoing learning.
  4. Be vigilant with the exploration of transference & countertransference in-therapy.
  5. Be aware and curious of your own posture, prosody and body language during therapy.
  6. Be thorough with all case work.
  7. You must attend regular supervision and submit the name of your supervisor to Administrator
  8. You must provide your own insurance for therapy and submit to Administrator

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